Reiki energy therapy sessions
Sessions are tailored to suit your individual needs.
Alternatively, the therapist may make a suggestion depending on your needs. There is also the option of choosing from a 60 or 90-minute session time, depending on what you feel is needed for your healing.
60 minutes: $100.00*
90 minutes: $125.00*
90 minutes: $100.00* Initial consultation, new clients only.
Please note: for distant healing, I will require the name, photo, and approximate geographical location of where the recipient will be at the time of the energy session.
A description of the area of concern requiring attention would assist with the healing process. For example, problems the person requires help with anxiety, migraine, pain in the body, stress…
*Please refer to the T & C’s for further details.
To enquire/book a Reiki session please contact our studio.
What does a session consist of?
The Reiki treatment takes place in a tranquil environment where you can give yourself permission to relax.
You have the opportunity to share why you have come for energy healing, what you may be feeling or experiencing, and if you are suffering from any specific alignment.
The therapist will explain how the session will run, and what you may experience, as well as explain the ‘main points’ of touch prior to treatment.
If you have any concerns or are uncomfortable about being touched, please ask the therapist to show you the hand placements before starting so you have a clear understanding of what to expect.
Reiki energy automatically flows to the areas of imbalance so the session can be adjusted to work just above the body so that no physical contact is involved*.
The client usually lays on the treatment table, fully clothed, or can sit comfortably supported in a chair.
Reiki is channeled through light, non-invasive touch with the therapist’s hands placed and held on or over specific locations of the body or working just above the body.
Hand placement will never be intrusive or inappropriate, nor will there be any excessive pressure*.
Sometimes you can expect a predetermined sequence of hand placements with hands resting on each body placement for a few minutes before moving on to the next position.
Other times the session may move to specific areas of the body where the Reiki is most needed.
““Reiki can never and will never belong to just one person or one organization. Reiki is the spiritual heritage of all humanity.”
During the session:
We invite you to relax. Your state will shift naturally as the treatment progresses, and you may even fall into a light, meditative state of rest.
You may become aware of any number of sensations: warmth emanating from the therapist’s hands, cold, heat, tingling, and shivers, you may visualize colours, images, memories, or emotions. You may also feel nothing.
This is perfectly normal, as this is the Reiki energy being processed, and taken to whatever part of the body that needs it. Reiki can never cause harm and knows what the person needs.
Reiki will adjust itself to create the effect that is appropriate for the healing. Sometimes a part of the session may be unsettling or unpleasant as stress, emotions, sensations, or memories are experienced.
Understanding that you are ready to release and let go of what is no longer needed is important to facilitate the healing process.
You are advised to be gentle, kind, and non-judgemental with yourself over the next few days so that the body/mind/spirit can integrate the healing.
Distance healing: Can be done ‘in person via Skype’ or at a time that has been arranged prior.
After the session:
You will have time to discuss anything you may have experienced during your Reiki session. After the treatment, you may feel: energized, relaxed, peaceful, tranquil, clear-minded, or tired.
As each individual is unique, each session will vary, and this should be viewed as the body’s natural healing response to what was needed.
Reiki energy is cumulative [builds up each time you have a treatment, so you may find it beneficial to book in a few treatments at the beginning of your healing journey, then as needed.
Some benefit is usually felt right away, but any long-term condition is likely to need more time.
It is recommended that a series of four consecutive sessions would be beneficial as a means of addressing a chronic condition.
If this is not possible, one a week would be a good option to start with, then as needed.
“The Reiki Precepts
Just for today, I will not anger.
Just for today, I will not worry,
Just for today, I will be grateful for all my blessings,
Just for today, I will work with honesty and integrity,
Just for today, I will be kind to all living beings.”
Please contact the studio to make a booking
“So we always say…”
So we always say, the mental and the spiritual is number one; number two is the physical. And then you put that together and say we are a complete whole. And when you can say that, that means you have applied Reiki and Reiki has worked for you.
Hawayo Takata, Reiki Master.