What is Transpersonal Crystal Therapy?
Transpersonal Crystal Therapy is a healing modality which brings together the principals of Crystal Therapy and Transpersonal Counselling. This therapy works together honouring the person as a whole, while addressing the spiritual, psychological, emotional and subtle energy fields of the client.
'Transpersonal' refers to states of consciousness and aspects of 'Self' that exist beyond and transcend (trans) the personality (personal). It is a theory that embraces a wide variety of ideas that have nothing to do with religion and everything to do with the mind and behaviour. It looks at the whole human experience.
Crystal Therapy (also known as Gemstone Therapy) is the method in which crystals are used on a person or animal to help promote balance and healing. Evidence shows that ancient civilizations, such as Native Americans and ancient Egyptians, have been using crystals for thousands of years.
Crystals/gemstones are placed on specific energy centers (chakras) and around the body. The energy centers are gently balanced and charged by the therapist using the crystals and the client’s energy field, helping promote balance and healing on all levels.
Transpersonal psychology works harmoniously with crystal therapy and other energy therapies such as Reiki, as each session is tailored to the clients personal needs.
60 minutes: $125.00 - Transpersonal chakra balance*
90 minutes: $150.00 - Transpersonal crystal healing*
120 minutes: $200.00*
90 minutes: $125.00* Initial consultation, new clients only.
*Please refer T&C’s.
Please contact the studio to make a booking